We provide you with all things painting, such as brushes, paint, canvases, and even an instructor! All you have to do is bring your team, a can-do attitude, and some of your favorite beverages and snacks. Planning a painting party for your next team outing is easy. After all, getting everyone at your office together shouldn't be so difficult! What do you bring to a painting party? At Painting with a Twist, your team can create art, get to know each other, and build relationships in a casual atmosphere-making memories that will last many fiscal years to come! So, stop staring at that list of "team building ideas for work" and fill out the form above to schedule the ultimate company outing.

Without much social time left in the workweek, a team-building event can be the perfect opportunity to grow those relationships. It makes sense to have a good relationship with them. You spend a lot of time with your coworkers. Get access to a library of more than 10,000 different paintings by requesting a private team building event below! Why are paint parties good office team building events? Still not sure what kind of painting event to book? Find your nearest studio and view the calendar to check out some upcoming events.

You can create a mural together for the break room, paint an image chosen by your crew, or simply do a free-for-all and let imaginations run wild! Whatever you decide to paint, you can be sure you will have a blast doing it. Painting with a Twist makes team building activities easy and fun! We offer unique painting activities for the whole team.